Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Can this really get kick-started again?

I haven't written on this in over a year, my God... Is it for some incredibly interesting reason involving myself, a jar of honey and some fire ants? Sadly not, I just haven't had a single relevant thing to say over the last year. As I'm sure the people who've spent that time with me have noticed.

However, against everyone's better judgement I'm going to try and write something on here, and do what I used to do all those years ago - which was rant and complain about everything I can think of. And in the middle of exam period too! God, what a massive exercise in procrastination this is...

EXAMS!!! What a massive waste of time they are! Certainly, they are a much better way to ensure nobody cheats and doesn't steal another's ideas... but then why inflict a massive amount of coursework on us too?! And basing a large percentage of our degrees on these essays and dissertations that we can apparently cheat on?!

This has probably all been brought about by the ongoing exam fever that's hit most people between 16 and 21. For a few months of the year, most teenagers are turned into hermits whilst being forced to lose themselves in reams of paper and books about subjects that quite often don't have any relevance in their day-to-day lives. It's one of the most demoralising experiences an ordinary adolescent can live through. And soon we'll be paying nine grand for it too...

I've just realised I've started to go all Jeremy Clarkson/Charlie Brooker, perhaps I should tone it down a bit...

If you're looking for some not-so-cheap thrills (cinema tickets are ridiculous nowadays, even for students), "Insidious" is still out. I saw it a few days ago, and it reminded me very much of "Drag Me To Hell", in it's style, it's graphics, it's music, it's odd way of creeping you out, but being very much in your face at the same time... If you liked "Drag Me To Hell", you'll probably enjoy this at some level. If you didn't, well, there are far worse ways to spend your afternoon. It has enough jump factor to keep you entertained for a couple of hours (and it does go on for over two hours, so don't buy a large drink!) but won't leave you with horrible thoughts of demons coming for you in your sleep. Unless you're afraid of your own shadow, like me, but then you've got far bigger problems...

Talking about creepy, what about the new Dr Who series?! Hard to believe it's been on a month already... but those first two episodes were great, I thought, with those creepy aliens with the lighting and weird mouths and three fingers... though how those pirates ever got into outer space is beyond me... but could the Doctor really be dead? And when are we going to learn what really happens between him and River Song?! I have a horrible feeling it was her who killed him, but I'm probably a million miles off the mark...

Finally managed to play in Jazz After Dark last night. Strange little place, I couldn't tell if it was buzzing or not. I was backing Corliss Randall, with Jeff somebody on keys, and he had this strange little gadget that turned his left hand into a bass-sound, with drums, I don't know what it was but it certainly helped! Played/sang a lot of the old jazz standards and New Orleans hits, very fun night indeed, especially with Corliss' unique brand of banter. Hopefully we'll be back there at some point, it's always a good laugh, worth checking out, hint hint. Might even be able to squeeze in the Squintet there at some point, so watch this space...

I've noticed I finish all my paragraphs by trailing off, I've got to be more assured that I've finished saying what I have to say...

That's about it, the last week has mainly been about sitting in my room banging my head on the wall, trying to cram as much info about WW2 into my head as possible before next Tuesday. Hopefully when I write again next week I'll have some more interesting stories to tell...

'Til then, bon nuit!


RetroMusicDan said...

Epic procrastination squire, may I suggest a bit of the ol' Smash Brothers next time? Or perhaps some 40k. Soon it will be time for war and you can finally take me to quazar! Huzzah!

thew said...

Good work boyo. This helped me procrastinate muchly.