Monday, 29 June 2009

I've been thinking...

Always a dangerous thing to hear me say. It is often followed by some incredibly badly thought out political argument, or a plan which everyone seems to agree with, but in actual fact couldn't give two...

Anyway, why is it that flies have evolved with an incredibly complex array of sensors that help them navigate their way around... and yet they never choose the right bloody window to fly out of! They always go for the ones that are shut or don't even open. Even if they are confused by their sensory thing surely they can feel the breeze emanating from the window barely 3 inches to their left! It's just inconsiderate, that's what it is.

I also noticed that when I have my bag on, and my shadow is played out in front of me, I look like my trousers are hanging low, much like the gangsters wear them. ("Gangsters", they don't know the meaning of the word.) I feel proud.

Well, very little is going on at the moment, which is probably good considering I'm on holiday. I haven't gone to bed before 12 for a few days now, which really can't be doing me much good. What with all this heat, I should be dead by now. I'm going to put it down to sheer pluck that I'm still alive.

I'm getting a valve trombone! "What's that?" I hear you cry. "Who cares?" comes another solitary call from the back of the room. It's basically a trombone but with trumpet valves instead of a slide. See, makes sense doesn't it? It's very exciting news for me anyway.

Doesn't life seem a bit empty without the dread of school hanging over us? I have no direction anymore, except to keep playing trombone and reading, lest my mind go mad! How are you all dealing with the stress of nothingness?

It's a dichotomy that we complain about school when we're there, but lament about its disappearance from our lives. Rather like the weather. We complain when it's hot, we complain when it's cold. Is there a perfect weather condition?

That's like asking if there is a perfect state of mind. Well of course there is. It's called Death. Only in Death can we find true inner peace and be free of conflict, guilt and pride. So, everybody, on the count of 3, do that thing the Japanese soldiers did, with the swords.





Why are you still reading this? You should be dead!!!


Wategwann said...

hehe good post! :D flies ARE well dum innit! they do it to annoy us i guess. surely a trombone without a slide is no trombone at all!! sounds more like a trumpet! "That's like asking if there is a perfect state of mind. Well of course there is. It's called Death." beautfiul words dude:) keep posting;)

Flame said...

omgomgomgomgomgogmogmgomgogm! i completley agree with that fly thing, they always buzz around the edge of an open window then fly straight into the middle of a piece of steak or something and sit there being sick all over it.

and yes, perfect weather condition = autumn.

thew said...

flies aren't that bad, i mean in africa they're everywhere and they all seem to be nice and healthy...

Anonymous said...

Hello there, I've stumbled upon this through Kavi's blog and what a change of reading it makes (quite possibly due to the lack of severe sexism which he seems to indulge in).
Have to disagree with you on the school front I'm afraid. I love being free, and have had far too much to do...

Flame said...
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