Thursday, 25 June 2009

Injured at work?

You shouldn't be driving rocket cars at 220 mph!

Anyone else remember that? Hugh Dennis on "Mock the Week", aeons ago? Just me? I need to get out more...

I like Hugh Dennis though. He's not brash and crude like Fankie Boyle, or loud and exciteable like Michael Mackintyre (however you spell his bloody name), but he's got that boyish grin and sharp wit that puts him above the others, I think. Plus, I can do an uncanny impersonation of him, but only if I've had enough to drink.

You know, I really should send back that letter the Student Finances people sent me... I really could do with several thousand pounds next year.

Anyone else looking forward to university as much as I am??? I doubt it, because I'm very excited! I don't even really know what I have to do for War Studies but it's still exciting! plus I'll have more time to do my music and get a job and go out to see the beauty (or not) of London. There really is so much to see, I think you can get the best of it as a student, so that's what I'll bloody well do! I'm going to have to get a bloody well paid job.....

Where is everyone going on holidays this year? I'm going to Scotland (I have to be brave in the face of ticks and midges, and Scotsmen. I hear they're particularly volatile this time of year.) if I survive the wilderness (it's 6 miles to the nearest pub!) I shall have quite a lot of nice pictures to share, as the place we're staying at has a beautiful view of a big lake with mountains and rolling hills, and plenty of sheep so I'm told. Apparently it gets lovely sunsets too, so be prepared for some awe-inspiring shots. If it doesn't rain, an ever-present danger of holidaying in the British Isles.

Anyway, enough of my drivel, see you on my next post.


Flame said...

Beware of the midges. They are Satan in midget form. Horrible things, at least with mosquitoes you can see them, but midges are blood-sucking specks of dust. My arm was covered in bites once, just because I opened the car window for a second whilst we were caught in a midge cloud.

Wategwann said...

scotland?! UGH! and ur so lukky to be goin to uni in london.