Wednesday, 22 April 2009

How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Ways...

A beautiful quote from a poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, which they're using at the moment to advertise bagels at the moment. God I do love bagels......

Anywho, according to my good friend Google it is Earth Day. What is that, you ask? You're guess is as good as mine. It's probably a pagan festival dressed up as something else to celebrate the birth if the Earth or something. Wait a minute, I think I just described Christmas...

So, it's been a while since I posted on here, and it appears I'm being stalked! It doesn't surprise me to be honest. I'm young, attractive, talented and, let's not forget, ginger. I'm surprised it's taken this long to be honest. Still, it's very welcome, so call all your stalker friends and point them in my direction!

(Include pictures.)

It seems as though Spring is well and truly here. The sun is beaming, the trees and blossoming and the insects are once again making a beeline for me. people are making plans for the holidays and exams are sharpening their teeth in preparation to rip our souls to shreds. I do love spring. Suddenly the world seems accessible again, our doors thrown open in defiance of the chill breeze to get in as much heat as we can to compensate for the miserable six months comprising our winter. I know winter only really lasts three months but in England, how can we really tell?

My dad is running the London Marathon this weekend (rather him than me) and if he survives, he's having a party where I've been asked to put on a band. That is going to be a disaster I can tell you, musicians are dropping out left, right and centre and no replacements are available at all. Bugger it all, this is indeed a lesson in management as my dad keeps reminding me. I'm just regretting agreeing to this.

OH WELL, at least I'm not the one running the bloody race.

Let's pray to the god of whichever religion you belong to that the prom will be even better than our Year 11 one. I might even bring my hat. Jokes.



Anonymous said...

GEORGE! There's fucking typos all over the place here...

"which they're using at the moment to advertise bagels at the moment."

"the trees and blossoming"

"the insects are once again making a beeline for me. people"

As your editor, I am shocked and appalled. In the immortal words of our hero, Jeremy Kyle:


(Actually, I disgust myself even more for ever actually watching that piece of filth... moreish, moreish, filthy filth...)

Also, what is THIS supposed to mean:

" Still, it's very welcome, so call all your stalker friends and point them in my direction!

(Include pictures.)"

I thought That Individual was a one-off. :'(

Anonymous said...

"the birth if the Earth"

Found another bugger. ;)

You should pay me, really you should...

Although that might look a little like prostitution from an outsider's perspective... :/

Anonymous said...


(God, your stalker's really getting carried away here, aren't they? See, real stalkers never reveal their true identity. Or even gender. By the way, nice legs...)

Wategwann said...

how bout u shut the fuk up! nice post george.

thew said...

a wee lol at the ignorant one above ^