Friday, 2 January 2009

First Post of 2009

Obviously not THE first post, I'm sure at midnight there was some party animal on his PC going "Hey, I'm a PC..." Well, no you're not mate, you're a bit sad. I know I was the one on the floor the other night but at least it was with OTHER PEOPLE!!!

What a good night that was as well. A big hand to Josh for his amazing party!

So, 2009. What's in store? Exams, stress and economic strife. Glad to see we're taking a positive outlook on things. But let's be positive. Let's tell ourselves we're going to enjoy this year, make it ours. I'm not coming on to you by the way.

But if I was what would you say? Surely not that you thought I was gay and that I had no personality. I hate women. They hate me. We get along fine.

Where was I? Oh yes, 2009, it was a very good year. That's what we'll say in 2010.

Wow, I actually thought I'd be able to be more positive about the new year but I guess inspiration has lost me. Sorry folks.


"Chris James" said...

Argh, I had that Windows advert >(! Hopefully, one of these days, it will just BSOD...

Where's Flame :O?!

I trust you are now completely sober, btw ;).

I don't MEAN to be thoroughly pessimistic, but 2009 is NOT going to be good :(! It won't be! If it is, I'll eat my Sunday hat! But that's also my Monday hat, my Tuesday hat, etc...HOWEVER, as long as YOU stay positive, I guess you personally can have a great year. I hope :D

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

.... positive thinking never helped anybody, just look at hitler. unfortunately 2009 is gnna suck. and im a PC and i sell fish.. oh yh i had to delete my post b4, ther were just tooo many spelling mistakes:p