Saturday, 27 December 2008

It's been a while...

Hasn't it just? I haven't posted here in absolutely ages! But, I've been under a lot of pressure to publish again, so here goes...

Christmas has come and gone, and wonderful it was. Of course the days after Christmas are always melancholy, but of course one week later it's New Year's Eve! More celebrating! And even more importantly, a week after THAT it's my birthday!!! 18 years old I will be, wow, never thought I'd make it but there we are. I can no legally get pissed.

I've been thinking though, on a totally unrelated topic, why is it that the Americans celebrate both the days when the British first established their country, and also the day when they managed to expel the British from their country? Rather contradictory I think, especially now as they use us all the time to get in front of their bullets.

Is there a God? Possibly, but religion won't help you find the answer, it has already been sullied with the thoughts of men, who are ultimately flawed. The message here? Distrust your fellow man? Not at all. But sleep with a gun under your pillow just in case. And remember to turn the safety on, you could get a very alarming awakening.

I saw the film "Yes Man" today, and it was rather inspiring. The message I got was that we should live life to the full and be confident and happy in all that you do, and then your life will be happy. That really spoke to me, as living is something I haven't been doing I don't think, but of course what happens on screen and in real life are two totally different things. Things work on screen, they rarely pan out in reality. Still, let's see what 2009 brings.

And I certainly wish you all the best for 2009. There will be dark times, financial crises and wars that make life seem evil, pointless and cruel, but for all those bastards out there striving to make the world a worse place, there are five genuine, good people out there making the world a wonderful place to live. Life is wonderful, the world beautiful, if we look past all the wrongs, there is love and joy in everything, and we should probably look for this more than looking for things that are wrong in our lives. Because, let's face it, we don't have it too bad.

Love to you all and hope your 2009 is as good if not better than this year.


"Chris James" said...

Nice post :).

Any film like "Yes Man" I will only rebuke, because, as you correctly mention, positive events in film that come about as a person sticks their neck out rarely transpire in real life. But it's still a good idea to try and keep up a thought pattern like that.

I really do hope 2009 is a better year than this one has been, regardless of upcoming economic struggles. Same for you!

Unknown said...

yay a post!:D i loved th ebit about keeping a gun under your pillow, great advice!;) yh i hope 2009 is better than this year aswell, this year sucked!