Saturday, 8 November 2008

Memorial Sunday

The 11th of November is nearly upon us again, which means tomorrow will be the day when we can reflect on the soldiers (and civillians) who have died protecting our country.

Many nowadays do not fully understand or appreciate this day, or even worse, they couldn't give a damn. They are not proud of being British, what being British means and our illustrious history. It's seen as not politically correct to be patriotic, lest we annoy someone who has had bad dealings with us in the past (which, let's face it, is most countries somewhere along the line).

I will be the first to admit we have done some terrible things in our past, slavery and the extermination of native populaces such as the Aborigines. That is unexcusable. But what people love to overlook is the fact that we have done a many great things as well. Apart from being one of the first countries to start changing its ways about slavery, we have sacrificed so much in order to keep the world out of the hands of evil madmen.

Look at the First World War. Granted, the war was controversial in that it didn't concern us much, except that we had a rivalry with Germany going on. However, as the Kaiser's armies swept through France we had an obligation to go and defend our allies, which we did with great haste, for King and Country and all that. Many hundreds of thousands of ordinary men went to their deaths to make sure that Europe was not consumed by the mighty armies of Germany. They faced terrible conditions and a formidable enemy, but despite all odds managed to defeat Germany with the help of the Russians, sometimes the French and eventually, the Americans.

Look at the Second World War. When Poland was taken over by the Germans, it was not in our interests to liberate it; it had no strategic importance and probably few resources, but nevertheless again we sallied against the enemy, who having crushed the French resistance in weeks, promptly threw us back into the sea. It could have ended there; we could have surrendered, let Hitler's boats come across the Channel unhindered, and become powerful allies with him. Only we didn't. We stood resolutely for 3 years, holding back wave after wave of German attacks with courage and skill that the Germans could not match. Not only did we manage to hold off the might of the Nazi military machine, but we launched a devastating counter attack right back into Europe, which, coupled with the Russian onslaught in the East, toppled the Nazi regime forever, thus saving Europe and much of the world.

Since then we have fought in campaigns where it has not been essential for us to fight. Korea was a foolish war to involve ourselves in, as it was just an anti-Communist American fiasco, but nonetheless we fought with determination and skill that the Americans could never match. We fought in places like the Falklands and Kosovo to save people from invading armies, and succeeded in saving many lives, even if it was not in our interests. We fight today in Afghanistan against a rather bloodthirsty regime, and even if we are fighting a losing battle, even if the war was started with ulterior motives that are just as perverted as the enemy we claim to fight, our troops still fight with a courage and skill that constantly places us above our American allies. The same is true for Iraq, but there I will not condone the government's actions, it is a travesty that we ever went there in the first place.

People say that there is no reason to be proud or patriotic to Britain, but which other country in the last century, when the skies have darkened and cries of help have been raised, fought resolutely to defeat whichever evil was bearing down on us? Which other country has fought battles that are not in their interests but have done so anyway because it is the right thing to do? The Second World War, in my opinion, is the crowning moment of British history, where we stood alone and raised our banners against the tides of the enemy, and refused to take a back-step even though the odds were firmly against us? How can one fail to feel even the slightest bit of emotion when they remember the ultimate sacrifice so many men made in order to stop a tyrant taking over the world?

I'm sorry that I've rambled, but it saddens me to think about what has happened to our society recently, for which these men fought and some died for, and to think that maybe was it in vain? But ultimately, I am here to say that we have very good reason to be proud and patriotic to Britain, and that we should not be afraid to say so. We should all show respect, even if for that one tiny minute of silence we give every year, just to reflect on what past generations have given us, and how we can emulate their example, even in the smallest of ways, to bring Britain back to the proud nation that we were before.

They shall not grow old as we who are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.


thew said...

racist! omfg ur soooo racist! bnp! bnp!!!!!!

only joking :p

what i really want to say is yes you are correct in your writings as ever, we really should have more of this rememberance stuff thrust upon us.

i also recommend you check out the song 'irish blood, english heart' by morrissey. its about patriotism and stuff:

Unknown said...

hmmm... what an incredibly biased piece of writing. although you have some good points and your heart is in the right place, you seem to ignore the fact that all the problems "fixed" by us the british were also caused by us the british. also i can't condone war as an acceptable means of diplomacy, its seems almost hypocritical to declare war and kill thousands of people because one of your allies were attacked. an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. no doubt we should pay our respects to those who sacrificed their lives to a cause they believed in. can the same be said of suicide bombers?

thew said...

damn kavi always outsmarting my comments...

Unknown said...

Kavi, your last point makes you sound like an idiot.
(Just bein constructive.)