Tuesday, 20 January 2009


Something that's become somewhat of a questionmark at our school recently. I saw in the music corridor posters saying how wonderful it is that our school is so diverse, and beside it lots of A4 sheets with different languages on it. But surely these "minorities" are in the majority now? Shouldn't my language be celebrated? Well I suppose it is because a lot of it was in English but that is not the point dear friends!

Now that my BNP advertising is up, how are things with you? Things are certainly looking good for me, I've just had a great weekend with my mates, I'm 18 (woop!) and my exams in January are due to come to an end on Thursday, albeit after a gruelling two hours of English. That ought to be fun, but then I'm going up to Cambridge to visit butteries and discuss whether it's better to be gay or not. I'm still in two minds myself...

Then almost as soon as we get back to school we're off again on half-term breaks! And I don't know if Valentine's Day is during it but it's always a fun run up to it, until you realise you really do have no chance at securing a hot date. But we always say it'll be different next year, so here's hoping...

Who else thinks the new Killers album is abit of the same as in the previous two albums? Thought so, it's wearing a bit thin now, much prefer Hot Fuss.

Well it's an uneventful week, I'm out of anything interesting to say. Goodnight.

Sunday, 18 January 2009

What do you mean, "there's no trains?!"

I woke up early today. I don't usually, like all normal people I enjoy a lie in on Sunday's, especially having got in late last night. But I had a rehearsal to get to, in Chelmsford of all places, so I reluctantly rolled out of bed, got showered and dressed and all the rest of it, got to the train station, it isn't even 9'o'clock, and JUST as my dad pulls away, I notice a sign in the station saying "No trains from Ilford".

I thought it must be a mistake.

But, alas it wasn't, and so I woke up horribly early on a Sunday morning for NOTHING! ARGH!!!!

A precursor for the day ahead I'm sure. But I won't find out until I've lived it. I doubt it'll get more interesting, my parents are having friends round, so now I shall answer all the same questions about exams and music and the like, which I actually enjoy because it makes me look smart.

What an egotistical fiend I am.

Monday, 12 January 2009

On The Eve Of Battle...

So, tomorrow it begins. The first of my exams, the beginning of the end, the dramatic denoument...

Okay, it's not as exciting as I'm making it out to be, obviously, I mean, who could possibly enjoy sitting a History exam? That'd just be absurd... even if coming up with your own conclusion at the end is an orgasmic experience, and the sheer thrill of flaunting your historical prowess across the broad sheets of white is enough to make even Chuck Norris soil himself...

Exams? Yes okay, they suck but here we are, we have to do them, and what doesn't kill us can only make us stronger. I'll say no more on the subject.


So how are you feeling about exams? I'm an excited nervous. History should be good, Music a challenge, and English a downright torture. I'm sure my fellow Englites (that's what we're called, unless you can come up with a better name, which I'm sure you can, being Englites) would back me up in saying that English is horrific. It makes me doubt why we even speak the language.

Because, WE'RE THE GREATEST FUCKING COUNTRY ON THE GLOBE. PERIOD. Even if Chuck Norris had his own country, it wouldn't be as good as England, and I'm sure his language wouldn't be as good.

What point was I making? I don't think I was. Let's start over.

Hey, I'm sitting here and Ray Charles is on again. How many of you heeded my advice/order I wonder? I will find out, don't worry.

I'm going to a fancy dress party this week, I fancy going as a zombie. I recently bought a couple of George A. Romero films (he's the godfather of zombie films if you didn't know) and it really got my gore up. Now I want to go and slaughter a load of undead flesh-eating bastards, but sadly, GOD decided to make them FICTIONAL! You'll get yours old man....

Talking about slaughter, I've seen in many people's various internet personas support for the Israelis and the Palestinians. It's frightening how short-sighted and easily-led people are. I don't know for certain but I'm fairly sure they don't exactly know why they're supporting each side, or at least why there's even a war going on in the first place. And at the same time, how arrogant I sound...

War! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing, except the aquisition of oil and other invaluable resources. Well sung, whoever you were who ever sang this song, if indeed you DID sing this song.

Well I think my Ray Charles-fuelled rant is coming to an end now, so until next time compadres, au revoir.

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

It's that time of year again...

No, it's not Christmas again, unfortunately. It's my BIRTHDAY (well, tomorrow it will be). So if you guys are planning a surprise... make it good.

I'll act surprised, honest.

Ray Charles, now isn't he one of the finest musicians you've ever heard? You've never heard him?! Buy a record man (or woman) because he is every bit as amazing as I say he is. Old school R&B, he preaches the blues like it is, brother. Sorry, I'm listening to him as I write, his music is hypnotising me into writing this. Seriously though, listen to him.

He didn't have the easiest of starts. Always an outstanding musician of course, but being blind he was taken advantage of. Then, as all big names do, he went to drugs, and for the first part of his life and career it seriously messed him up. DON'T DO DRUGS KIDS!!!!!

I haven't been able to sleep properly over the last week or so, I reckon it's due to exam stress, but my mum reckons I should take some sleeping medicine. I want the sleep but I just don't like the idea of having to drug myself to sleep of a night. It just doesn't seem right.

You know what else isn't right? Humanity. It is consumed in selfishness and greed, why else would the world be in the shithole it is now?

Wow, I really do sound like a teenager, doomsaying like this.

But tomorrow, I'll be a MAN! Because I'll be 18! Because it's my FRIGGIN BRITHDAY!

Do you like how I made a nice link back to the beginning there?

An anaphoric reference for all you grammar geeks out there.

And an aliteration of "G".

"G"... has so many different contexts nowadays. It is the 7th letter of the alphabet, it's a slang term of address, it's the first letter of my name, and also the first letter of the word "great". Coincidence? I think not...

Gee whizz, I have gone on a lot today. Interesting where a train of thought will bring you isn't it? To all you crazy cats out there, goodbye, farewell, and get the fuck off my property!

No, really.

Friday, 2 January 2009

First Post of 2009

Obviously not THE first post, I'm sure at midnight there was some party animal on his PC going "Hey, I'm a PC..." Well, no you're not mate, you're a bit sad. I know I was the one on the floor the other night but at least it was with OTHER PEOPLE!!!

What a good night that was as well. A big hand to Josh for his amazing party!

So, 2009. What's in store? Exams, stress and economic strife. Glad to see we're taking a positive outlook on things. But let's be positive. Let's tell ourselves we're going to enjoy this year, make it ours. I'm not coming on to you by the way.

But if I was what would you say? Surely not that you thought I was gay and that I had no personality. I hate women. They hate me. We get along fine.

Where was I? Oh yes, 2009, it was a very good year. That's what we'll say in 2010.

Wow, I actually thought I'd be able to be more positive about the new year but I guess inspiration has lost me. Sorry folks.